March 12-13, 2012

March 12, 2012
Journal Entry-

Oh LORD, show me now Thy ways, that I may know Thee!

Today, we talked to Dr. Roberts who will do the neck dissection. His words and his demeanor were very sober as he described my stage 3 melanoma metastasis. Modern medicine offers little if no hope. Once again, my heart was pained, fearful, and trembling. However, my chorus is clear,
“As for me, I will call upon God and the LORD shall save me.” (Ps. 55:4-5,15-16)

Mach 13, 2012
Journal Entry-

Oh LORD, please show me now Thy way that I may know Thee. By the light of the lamp of Your Word, Oh LORD, please give me light for my way.

Matt. 4:23-25- You healed “ALL MANNER OF DISEASES” (everything) Can You not also heal me?
Oh God, help me be “poor in spirit,” “mourn,” be “meek,” “hunger and thirst for righteousness,” be “merciful,” and “pure in heart.”


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