Update From Randy

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ! Unto Him that loved us and washed us in His
own blood, be glory and honor both in this our earthly life and in the ages to come! It
is He that, knows all, Who said, “In everything give thanks, for this is the will of
God in Christ Jesus.” (1Thes.5:18)


Our circumstances are to the human eye, impossible. The last 3 scans show nothing but
rapid growth of Melanoma. A couple of weeks ago scan showed 3 tumors on my brain. One
tumor is causing inflammation which is affecting my speech and ability to read and write.
I feel like our circumstances are comparable to the evil tidings Asa received In 2
Chron.14:9 when an enemy “host of a million” came up against them, and like
Jehoshaphat (2 Chron. 20) who was confronted by “a great multitude.” In both
instances, there was NO hope, to the eye, surroundings made it impossible to survive the
odds that were against them, BUT, the LORD spoke words by which these men found practical
wisdom; words they could rest in and be comforted by.
In 2 Chron.20:15,17 the LORD said, “Be ye not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this
great multitude; for the battle is NOT yours, but GOD’s…ye shall not need to fight in
this battle; set yourselves, stand ye STILL and see the salvation of the LORD with
you…” God’s command to these fearful people was very much like what He spoke to
Moses and the children of Israel at the Red Sea. With enemy troops barreling down behind
them and their only route of escape cut off by a sea too great to be crossed, the LORD
said, “Fear not, stand STILL, and see the salvation of the LORD which He will show
to you today…the LORD shall fight for you and ye shall hold your peace.”

Medically speaking, cancer of this type in a confined space as the brain, will cause
things to only progressively get worse. All indicators point to the end drawing near, IF
God does not choose to deliver me. However, all along we have seen “the enemy”
and heard nothing but bad reports, and our Father has remained “faithful that
promised,” (Heb.10:23) through it all. All throughout the scriptures and the ages of
history, the LORD has defied odds, worked the impossible, and shown “Himself
strong on behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him.” (2 Chron.16:9) He has
heard the cry of the righteous in their day of great need, led them by the light of His
word, and sustained their souls by the same.  Although the last couple of weeks have been
spiritually, emotionally, and physically difficult and trying, by the LORD’s grace, He
has sustained us and allowed us to be steadfast and immovable, believing that HE abideth
faithful, and that He “is able” to keep us from falling and present us
faultless before the presence of His glory. (Jude 24)
“…From whence cometh my help? My help cometh from the LORD, Who made heaven and
earth!” (Ps.121:1-2)

There are a couple of treatment options available, but as we call upon the name of the
LORD for help, we see these to be grasping for straws. So after prayerfully seeking His
will on the matter, we have decided not to do them. Saul offered armor to David when he
went out to fight the famed Goliath of Gath, but David felt weighed down by it, he
decided to enter battle with the shield he felt more comfortable with, the proven promise
of God. We have listened and considered the recommended treatment options, but for now,
until the LORD speaks to me otherwise, we all as a family, feel more comfortable trusting
the LORD to stay the course He has directed us to previously. If He chooses to allow me
to depart this life sooner than we had hoped, so be it, but IF He chooses to deliver me,
we desire it to be abundantly clear that it was HIS hand that has done so. 2 Sam. 24:14
speaks our heart, “I am in great distress, let us fall now into the hands of the
LORD, for great are His mercies…”

As for the quality of life, the LORD is sustaining me and I feel wonderful under the
circumstances. I just completed a 5K with my kids Saturday and was thankful to enjoy that
with them. My speech presents constant challenges but His grace has been sufficient to
work through them. We are continuing the course that we began over a year ago when I was
first diagnosed. I’m still eating a super healthy diet, am juicing, taking supplements,
and am doing a few other natural remedies as part of our “team” modality from

If the LORD allows I will have one more round of immune therapy in Grand Cayman this
month. Persues is the group we have been doing the therapy with. To clarify the reason we have
gone this route of treatment, we’ve felt comfortable with this because it is a natural
form. They have taken my blood and my cancerous cells to create a vaccine specifically
for me. The philosophy  behind it; immunization boosts the natural ability of the body’s
immune system that the LORD has created to combat sickness and disease. This being the
case, we believe it to be comparable to a lump of figs the LORD commanded to be put on a
sore, or the leper dunking seven times in the river, or other examples in scripture where
the LORD healed using natural things in creation. However, with the lack of visual
progress after 3 rounds, Persues also is recommending radiation and a drug, but to do so
would be deviating from what we feel the LORD would have us do, so we plan to stay the
course. We continue to hope in the LORD by the word of His grace and approach His throne
for mercy and help, asking Him to heal me, and deliver us, using these forms of natural
treatment if He so chooses.
My family and I have been overwhelmed by the outpour of love and prayers by so many. We
are so very thankful for such dear, dear friends that have prayed for and with us, and
continue to encourage us by pointing us to the word of God. We feel like we are far from
alone in this trial and are continually strengthened by the brethren.

As for specific prayer requests, please pray the LORD will grant us abundant grace to
rejoice, sing praises, be thankful, that our faith would fail not, and that He would
grant us strength and make us strong in the LORD by the power of His might.

My times are in His hands, Randy

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